

  1. Kick-off Meeting, Białystok, Poland, 21-22 June 2021
  2. Workshops for partner’s participants involving in realization of ICT_EDUPAND Project, 25-28 October 2021
  3. On-line workshops, 11 and 18 February 2022
  4. Second Meeting, Nis, Serbia, 13-14 June 2022
  5. Third Meeting, Ruse, Bulgaria, 29-30 September 2022
  6. Workshop – How To Prepare An Educational And Instructional Video (PL), Białystok, Poland, 24 October 2022
  7. Fourth Meeting, Białystok, Poland, 22-23 May 2023


Intellectual Output 1:
Resources for teacher training in problem-based teaching and assessment methods suitable for pandemic conditions

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

  1. Workshops on Innovative Education, 25-28 October 2021
  2. Workshop: Purposes and roles of assessment in education, 26 October 2022

University of Niš, Serbia

Bialystok University of Technology, Poland


Intellectual Output 2:
Digital resources in educating teachers for acquiring new skills related to problem-based methodology

Bialystok University of Technology, Poland

  1. Workshop: The Role of Communication and Trust in a Team (11.02.2022)
  2. Workshop: Creative Techniques of Problems Solving and Decision Making (18.02.2022)
  3. Negotiation and Manipulation Tactics While Working in a Team
  4. The Art of Presentation
  5. Detailed program of the lecture in Mathematics for semesters 1-3 in the field of electrical engineering, practical (dual) first degree profile

University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria

University of Niš, Serbia

  1. Using technology and internet resources for teaching


Intellectual Output 3:
Digital teaching resources in selected areas of ICT applicable for a group of problem-based courses

University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria

  1. Advanced Mobile Communication Networks (INFO)
  2. Electrical Safety (INFO)
  3. Power System and Smart Grid (INFO)

University of Niš, Serbia

  1. Information Theory (INFO)
  2. Laboratory Practicum 1 (INFO)
  3. Networks and Protocols (INFO)

Bialystok University of Technology, Poland

  1. Electrical Circuits 1 (INFO)
  2. Internet of Things (INFO)

Intellectual Output 4:
Textbooks suitable for distance learning in pandemic conditions

  1. Book: “Laboratory Practicum in Telecommunications” (PDF, 5.1 MB) – Authors: Dejan Milić, Adam Nikołajew, Goran T. Đorđević. Ruse, May, 2023.
  2. Book: “Practical Problems for Introductory Electrical Engineering” (PDF, 7 MB) – Chief editor: Jarosław Makal, Co-authors: Aria Alinejad, Lars Lundheim, Bojana Gajić, Torstein Bolstad, Thomas Tybell, Pauline Hardeberg Zimmermann, Anna Białostocka, Agnieszka Choroszucho, Jarosław Forenc, Andrzej Karpiuk, Honorata Sierocka, Adam Steckiewicz. Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok 2023.
  3. Book: “Advanced Mobile Communication Network” (INFO), (WWW) – Authors: Teodor Iliev, Ivaylo Stoyanov, Ivanka Tsvetkova, Jelena Anastasov. Association CIEES, Ruse 2023
  4. Book: “Collections of Students Lab Projects – Zbirka studentskih radova” (PDF, 7.3 MB) – Authors: Dejan Milić, Ивайло Стоянов, Goran T. Đorđević. Niš, maj 2023 godine.
  5. Book: “Electrical Installations in the Building – Designing” (PDF, 3.15 MB) – Authors: Helena Rusak, Joanna Nazarko, Jarosław Makal, Marcin Sulkowski. Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok 2023.


Dissemination Activities:

Bialystok University of Technology, Poland

University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria

University of Niš, Serbia